
Global Point of Care Ultrasound: A Technical Guide


Welcome to Global Point of Care Ultrasound: A Technical Guide. This project was born out an idea from a small group of individuals in the Global Ultrasound Subcommittee at the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) 2019 Convention and reflects the hard work of this group and others.

We recognize that ultrasound is growing rapidly in global health with programs ranging from short-term mission trips to larger scale country-wide capacity building. Each program will have its own goals and limitations, but many have the same core considerations and technical challenges. Our group has extensive experience with global ultrasound, scanning in 12 countries with over 40 years of collective experience. We hope to bring our insights and expertise to share with others interested in global point of care ultrasound.

This site is not intended to be a guide to ultrasound for beginners, nor is the focus on ultrasound scanning techniques or tropical diseases. Instead, this site is a resource for groups wishing to launch small (or large) ultrasound-based projects internationally– primarily in low-resource settings. It focuses on technical and educational challenges ranging from getting a machine across an ocean to continuing education months after returning home. As a guide, it will need to be adapted to local settings.

Good luck and happy scanning!